Better to Serve than be Served
Knights are Catholic men, 18 years of age and older, who are committed to serving the parish and community. New members are always welcome, and encouraged to display their special talents in any service program for which they would like to contribute. If you are interested in the progress of your community and church, and the enhancement of family life, join the Knights of Columbus. Open the flyer to learn more.
Founded in 1882, the Knights of Columbus has grown to become the world's largest service organization for men in the Catholic Church.
Providing Support
Our council has won the Star Award, which is the highest award given to councils and finished in the top five in a program identified as “Pennies for Heaven” which is based on per capita charitable contributions for that program, which goes to the support of Seminarians. One of our sponsored Seminarians, Fr. Bryon Dickey, was ordained and is now a pastor at St. Charles Borromeo Parish in Tacoma.
In addition to our support of Seminarians, we pride ourselves on our strong support of youth activities both within the parish and out. From our fundraising activities such as concession stands at the Seahawks games, the sale of Christmas cards and wreaths, etc., we have provided several thousand dollars to the parish youth groups and scholarships for Catholic education. For example, 100% of the gross receipts from the Lenten Fish Frys have gone to the youth.
Our charitable contributions include the St. Vincent de Paul Society and FUSION, which receive 100% of the gross receipts of the Mother’s Day breakfast. In a past year our members helped an elderly, handicapped brother into assisted living at a Veteran’s home. The Knights cleaned his home, conducted a garage sale, sold his car and his home, and paid off his bills including a mortgage, and deposited the balance into a trust account.
But mostly, we have fun because we enjoy each other and we receive inspiration from knowing that good Christian men working together can make a difference.
Silver Rose Program
The Silver Rose program demonstrates the unity between Knights of Columbus in Canada, the United States and Mexico, through a series of prayer services promoting the dignity of all human life and honoring Our Lady.
Learn more on the Knights of Columbus website. https://www.kofc.org/en/what-we-do/faith-in-action-programs/life/
Gallery: Knights of Columbus Silver Rose Program
Photos by Angel Q. See more at https://flic.kr/s/aHsmVEhQDo