Stewardship is our response to God’s generosity. Please prayerfully consider how you will respond to the call for this year’s parish stewardship, which supports St. Theresa Parish and our many ministries.
Updated November 4: To make giving quicker, easier, and even more secure, we are moving to a new online giving platform called Pushpay. During this transition, your recurring gift needs to be transferred from the old platform to the new platform.
- Please visit to set up your new recurring gift using Pushpay. After you set up your automatic gift, you will be prompted to complete the setup of your new account.
- When your new gift comes in, we will cancel your recurring gift with Vanco, our old giving platform. Or you can cancel it yourself by logging into Vanco and setting an end date for your giving through Vanco.
FAQs About Pushpay
What is Stewardship
What does it mean when we talk about “The Spirituality of Stewardship?” Find out here as Archbishop Etienne explains in his video. (video 6.27 minutes)
What is Stewardship? Hear Bishop Schuster explain the deeper meaning of stewardship and how it impacts everyday living. (video 1.31 minutes)
Stewardship of Time and Talent
We are called to share through service and ministry. What talent could you bring to St. Theresa’s community? The bulletin lists active ministries and contacts. Also, see Faith in Action for descriptions of ministries. Please fill out and return your Stewardship of Time and Talent 2024 Pledge today. |
Stewardship of Treasure
Then submit your contribution. Online donation is quick and secure. If you are not online, you can continue to use your weekly envelopes.
If you recently made a pledge to our parish for 2024, thank you so much. For other ways to save money and support the mission of St. Theresa's, consider fulfilling your pledge during the year in the following ways:
- Donate Stock – call 800-422-5417 for broker instructions
- Donate through your IRA – If you are 70 ½ years or older, you can join fellow parishioners who make tax-free gifts from their IRA’s. Contact your IRA administrator and have your gift sent directly to our parish. Please include your name on the memo line.
- Donor Advised Fund - Log into your Donor-advised Fund account today and recommend a donation to St. Theresa Parish.
- Payroll Deduction – some employers offer this option – check with yours.
Difference Between the Annual Catholic Appeal and Parish Stewardship (PDF)
Annual Catholic Appeal at St. Theresa's
“Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in my house, and thus put me to the test, says the Lord of hosts; see if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you an overflowing blessing.” Malachi 3:10