
St. Theresa Catholic Church invites all to follow Jesus Christ by celebrating the sacraments and building a community of compassion. 


Guided by our beloved St. Theresa, our community invites all to know the love of Jesus Christ. May we be nourished by the sacraments, live lives with extraordinary love, and proclaim the Gospel to all those we encounter. 

Goals 2020

Every year St. Theresa’s Parish Council reviews and revises our parish goals to support our Vision and Mission statements. As our parish changes, our goals also change to promote the adjustments necessary for our parish to grow and thrive.

Review goals for 2020 (PDF).

Objectivos 2020

Cada año, el Consejo Parroquial de Santa Teresa revisa y analiza nuestros objetivos parroquiales para apoyar nuestras afirmaciones de Visión y Misión.   A medida que nuestra parroquia cambia, nuestros objetivos también cambian para promover los ajustes necesarios para que nuestra parroquia crezca y prospere.

Objectivos 2020 (PDF).